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John Harden

This is how it starts

A belated post on we how had a good day, one night. November 8, 2023. That was the night the Museum of Sonoma County generously opened its doors after hours for us to shoot our crucial "heist" scene. Pictured here are our two Louvre security guards, played by none other than museum Executive Director Jeff Nathanson (center) and stalwart friend and actor Pete Stringfellow (right). The director (that's me) is on the left. Not pictured are additional stalwart friends, Chris and Sandy Yaryan (who played our burglars) and Jared Wright and Eric Ivey (our brilliant camera & lighting crew, who also doubled as burglars no. 3 and no. 4.

Now, one might ask what's been happening with THE ORIGINAL COPY in the roughly five months that has elapsed since then, and one would be justified in doing so. The answer is "John working for a living," among other things. But, I've also been designing a crucial prop for the film, and researching how to go about creating it. I'm talking about the "Fabricator," the sci-fi consumer appliance that is central to the story. More about this—much more—in the next post. Which will be forthcoming. In fewer than 5 months, I promise.

"Smile!" Pete stays in character. The lady gets it.

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